Life-Love 75: Realising that change is part of life

We spend an awful lot of time worrying about change. When we are little, we think an awful lot about changes to come: we look forward to some of them, like getting older and wiser thereby enjoying more respect and consideration from our parents and other elders; and we dread others – changing school or …

Life-Love 74: Catching up with old friends

We spend most of our time looking forward to tomorrow. We say: “There will always be another day,” or “there is always tomorrow” but really, we live our lives in three dimensions, don’t we? In the present, backwards through the past to our childhoods and forward with an eye toward our futures. Each one has …

Life-Love 73: Feeling the seasons pass

We don’t spend a lot of time thinking about time. Actually, we tend to turn our time into a commodity, thinking about it as a line and then dividing it up into bits that we all understand: minutes, hours, days, week, months, years… This a good way to be productive, but it has an unfortunate …

Big Progress Update on Journal of Professional Communication (JPC)!

Today is a day with some exciting news for the Journal of Professional Communication. We now have a good collection of manuscripts submitted for consideration, and we are sending them out for anonymous double-blind peer review. A particularly exciting news item is that our Editorial Board is now complete. It is a large board, but …

Life-Love 72: Transcending “good enough”.

We live in permissive times. Instant gratification is of the essence for most: in fact, we’re told by voices and images in broadcast and social media that we should only do things that are in our direct interest. So we do enough to get by and just make it. Accompanying this trend is a feeling …

Preview of McMaster Journal of Communication (MJC) Vol 7 (2010)

I am going through the final edits on the McMaster Journal of Communication (MJC), Vol 7 (2010), on the theme of “Access, Participation and Democratization in the New Media Landscape”. This year’s Editor-in-Chief is Ms. Christine Larabie, who completed her MA in Communication and New Media, writing a brilliant thesis on net neutrality under my …

Life-Love 71: A mother’s care for her struggling child

I saw something very moving at Mass today. I had taken communion and was in my pew, on the red leather kneeler, saying the prayers of gratitude and reconciliation that I say each Sunday. I was in my usual seat, bathed in the winterlight streaming through a stained glass window that depicts Simon of Cyrene …

A photoshoot with Rabee Younes in Toronto!

I spent today with Rabee Younes one of my former students who is just starting his studio as a professional photographer.  He is one of the most creative, talented and good-natured people I have dealt with. I could always tell he was special. When he was a student in our communications and multimedia program at …

Life-Love 70: Realising life is short

We often live our lives as though we had an endless road to travel ahead of us. We tell ourselves that there will always be another day, another relationship, another chance to make a good deal. We while away the hours in idleness or worry, day dream or anxiety. We worry endlessly about what other …