Life-Love 84: A good spring cleaning is a good feeling

I have always found starting a big writing project to be easier if I have given my house a thorough cleaning. Somehow, the idea of my house being dusty and cluttered makes my brain’s machinery turn more slowly or even creak to a halt. So whenever I embark on a new project, I literally clean …

Life-Love 83: Listening to a good story

Stories are at the heart of our experience as humans. We love to live vicariously through the tales told by the people we know: our friends, family and even strangers whom we meet at a friendly pub or our favourite café. There is something unique and special about hearing a story told by someone in …

Life-Love 82: Freeing yourself from worry

We all worry about things an awful lot. We think about being single, being in difficult relationships, improving our conditions at work. We worry about our friends, and their relationships and worries. Sometimes we worry so much that we start to feel a weight upon our shoulders, a weight that pushes down upon us and …

Life Love 81: How social media is a new town square

We seems to feel tied up so much of the time. Tied up by obligations to our friends, to our places of work, to those we love – it is easy to start thinking about all of this as a burden, to lose perspective. In the past, it was easy to become submerged in the …

Life-Love 80: Someone who believes in you

We spend much of our lives wracked with doubt. We wonder if we are smart enough, tough enough, tall enough, good-looking enough, and so on. When we look at ourselves in the mirror, we see reflected back at us all of the things that worry us – our looks, our aging skin, our greying hair. …

Life-Love 75: Realising that change is part of life

We spend an awful lot of time worrying about change. When we are little, we think an awful lot about changes to come: we look forward to some of them, like getting older and wiser thereby enjoying more respect and consideration from our parents and other elders; and we dread others – changing school or …