Life-Love 71: A mother’s care for her struggling child

I saw something very moving at Mass today. I had taken communion and was in my pew, on the red leather kneeler, saying the prayers of gratitude and reconciliation that I say each Sunday. I was in my usual seat, bathed in the winterlight streaming through a stained glass window that depicts Simon of Cyrene …

Life-Love 70: Realising life is short

We often live our lives as though we had an endless road to travel ahead of us. We tell ourselves that there will always be another day, another relationship, another chance to make a good deal. We while away the hours in idleness or worry, day dream or anxiety. We worry endlessly about what other …

Life-Love 69: Completing a project

Our lives are populated by incomplete projects. Half-finished bird-houses lie in our sheds awaiting a final coat of paint or a roof, the beginnings of books and poems litter our notebooks and flutter around our offices in blizzards of paper. Sometimes, however, we steel ourselves to work, or, more likely, clear enough time to be …

Life-Love 67: A night at the Opera

Many of us discount the Opera as a medium that could possibly interest us. When we think of it, we get images of dowdy people in suits and music that we can understand, sung by large people in outlandish costumes. This couldn’t be further from the truth! The opera is a vital and powerful way …

Life-Love 65: The first sip of coffee

For those among us who love coffee, there is nothing like the first approach our favourite muddy drink. First there is the feeling of personal sagging that brings on the desire for caffeine: drooping shoulders, twitchy eyelids, a cottony batten in the mind that seems to start around the ears and spread to behind the …

Life-Love 63: A Snow Day

Unexpected pleasures are the best ones, aren’t they? Our lives are so incredibly busy, steaming forward devouring the days from dawn until dusk – filling them with reports, family commitments, meetings and new friends. The pace can be overwhelming and it’s easy to start feeling as though you’re chasing your shadow, a little out of …