Life-Love #9: The rustle of leaves in the breeze

There is nothing like a walk in the woods or down a leafy street when you need to gather your thoughts. There is something mystical about being among tall, leafy trees – you know they have been there, standing guard over the land around them, weathering the changing seasons. They are nature’s musical instruments and …

Life-Love #8: Catching someone’s eye in a passing train

When I was a student at the University of Toronto, I used to take the subway almost every day. Everyone spends a moment of communal anonymity on the subway. It’s a strange transient place. You are on a moving platform, one that always takes the same path, yet while you’re surrounded by others who often …

Life-Love #7: Staying late at the office

I have been a professor at McMaster for nine years now, since 2001. I’ve always really enjoyed my work – discussing ideas with students and working on research problems until I find a resolution. Working late at the office has become a habit for me, and I have endeavoured to make my office a pleasant …

Life-Love #6: Lingering in the aisles at the grocery store

Every since I was a little boy, I loved our family trips to the grocery store. It was the one moment during the week that our family did something together with no anxiety. We were all foodies! My mother and grandmother would sniff and feel the melons, and my father would cross things off “the …

Life-Love #5: A moonlit walk back from swimming

I go swimming late at night at the community pool near my house. It’s often twilight as I walk there, and the grey-orange light of the evening illuminates the houses, giving them soft edges and darkening facades. After an hour and a half of changing, swimming, showering and bundling up, I leave the pool with …

Life-Love #4: Seat warmers on a crisp Autumn morning

What a pleasure to fire up the seat warmers in your car on a Fall morning. You’ve had your coffee and breakfast, put your sweater or coat on and gasp slightly as the crisp, damp Autumn air makes your face tingle. Not cold enough to hurt, like in winter – but just enough to make …

Life-Love #3: Exhausted and happy after practice

I just got in from fencing practice and I feel heavy with exhaustion. It’s a settled feeling – my muscles are sore, my body’s vibrating at a low, steady frequency. I feel alive and settled and satisfied all at the same time. My mind is heavy and fuzzy, and the world seems a little gauzy …

Life-Love #2: Tea on my porch at dawn

This morning I woke up very early and made myself a green tea. I stepped outside and sat on a wooden garden bench that I keep on my little porch facing a wooded ravine conservation area. The world was quiet except for the odd passing early-morning commuter rumbling by. I could hear nature awakening around …

Life-Love #1: Guinness and a BLT at the Phoenix

There is nothing quite like the quiet pleasure of a pint of Guinness and a BLT at the Phoenix Grad Pub at McMaster University. I particularly like going there, after a long evening of work, deliciously exhausted, and settle into an hour of the fragrant caramels of the Dublin brew accompanied by the tasty crunch …

How I became an academic: from tenure until the present

During the last month, I have been recounting the story of how I became an academic. In this, the final blog entry in this series, I discuss what it was like settling into the reality of becoming a middle-career academic and learning to savour life a little. During the last two years before tenure, I …