Life-Love #27: A moment of synchronicity

There are moments in our lives when all of the parts seem to be moving together, in orchestra. You’re walking and you see that the rhythm of your steps matches the clicking of a woman’s heels which is on alternate beats to your heart. You put your foot onto the curb just as the light turns green the walking man appears, beckoning you forward. You look up just as the clouds take a shape that you had been turning over like a crystal statue in your mind seconds before and the trees rustle around you whispering the word that you just heard on the lips of a woman beside you to her friend wearing a watch that glistened in the light and cast a reflected beam that illuminated the sign of the restaurant you are walking toward to meet your friend who just stepped out of a car and turned her head to catch your eye. A moment of synchronicity – many actions all happening together as if concerted by an unseen hand – a world in a few split seconds.

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