Life-Love 63: A Snow Day

Unexpected pleasures are the best ones, aren’t they? Our lives are so incredibly busy, steaming forward devouring the days from dawn until dusk – filling them with reports, family commitments, meetings and new friends. The pace can be overwhelming and it’s easy to start feeling as though you’re chasing your shadow, a little out of …

Life-Love 61: Mark Helprin’s Writing (Reconstruction)

I love this passage. Enough said. The nostalgia and longing that accompany life’s loves and life’s losses… “At the dinner party, because of my silence, they thought I was thinking about them. And so I did begin to think about them, which broke the spell and brought me back. Also, my wife kicked me. I …

Life-Love 59: Breaking through ideology and into humanity

Sadly, ideology can often drive a wedge between peoples. I choose the word ideology and don’t extend it to faith, because one often finds that profound faith – in God or in others – tends to soften and humanise people. Any person whose faith is driven by love and caring outside of politics and ideology …

Life-Love 58: Feeling kinship with someone different

It is so easy to dismiss others who surprise or disconcert us. They may look different, eat foods we’ve never tried, listen to music whose rhythms and melodies surprise us, speak a language we don’t understand or wear clothes that we find strange or immodest. They may have a different skin colour, or perhaps practice …

Life-Love 57: Winterlight

There is a softness to winterlight that is both soothing and serene. A muted whiteness with tinges of grey and blue. It takes the hard edges off buildings and makes them seem almost translucent, shimmering reflections rather than rough impositions of stone and glass. Driving through a sunrise in winter is particularly beautiful – the …

Life-Love 56: Restoring someone’s dignity

Life can be a real trial for many people. It all feels so transient – people have part-time contracts at work, they live together in precarious relationships that always feel as though they could crumble at any moment. Friendships can be fleeting and illusory – based on shared experiences in places that really don’t have …