Big Progress Update on Journal of Professional Communication (JPC)!

Today is a day with some exciting news for the Journal of Professional Communication. We now have a good collection of manuscripts submitted for consideration, and we are sending them out for anonymous double-blind peer review.

A particularly exciting news item is that our Editorial Board is now complete. It is a large board, but an inclusive one. We have a good blend of senior, mid-career and junior practitioners, academics and graduate students. They are all people who privilege evidence, research and measurement in their practice. Evidence, research and measurement, are, I believe, central to the advancement and development of professional communication as both and a field of academic inquiry and industry practice. JPC will promote this perspective. The board is also quite diverse, with representatives from across Canada, the USA, the UK and Portugal. We have an almost equal percentage of women and men on the board.

We’ve also been making progress on the administrative side of the JPC, getting all of the logistical elements in place and making sure that we lay a solid legal and institutional foundation to ensure longevity and sustainability. This is now done.

Our next steps is to secure donors for JPC. These are organizations and individuals who support us with a financial gift and, in turn, receive a receipt for donation to McMaster University. Donations will be very important for the sustained success of JPC as a repository of strictly peer-reviewed knowledge for the field of professional communications in Canada.

All in all, a very good day for JPC. We’re almost ready for launch in June!


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